Saturday, January 19, 2013


I was in complete shock when I woke up and saw this out my window! I had no idea snow was even in the forecast!! Well, as those of you who have been around Mason lately know, he has a favorite book called Snow by Uri Shulevitz, given to him by his Papa. Mason and I have the book memorized we have read it so much (I literally can quote the whole thing.) So when I saw this snow, I was giddy with excitement waiting for Mason to awake so he could see it...Real SNOW!!! And for our area, this is considered a lot! Normally snow for us is a few snowflakes in the air, or at most a light dusting on the ground. And what's even more amazing is that my parents' house, only 30 miles away didn't get any snow! I like to think God showered Oxford with snow that morning as a special blessing for Mason! These are some pictures from our fun, fleeting morning with the Snow:

Breakfast before getting to go play in the snow

Bella LOVED the snow too

not too sure about what to do with snow exactly

a mini snowman in our neighbor's yard :)

snow baaalllllllll

Bella loved eating snowballs

this one cracked me shows Bella's excitement running all over our yard like crazy, as her tracks show

last pretty view of our backyard...the snow is starting to melt :(
Our little snow angel woke up from her morning nap just in time to experience the snow  before it was all gone

Goodbye snow!!! Thanks for our fun morning!


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